Our Services

How to work with us

You can buy our professional book editing services directly on this page! Review the package details below (sorted by genre or editing phase) to find your perfect fit.

1. Find the editing services and editor experience level you want to work with.
2. Select your manuscript's word count from the drop-down menu.
3. Add to cart! Our team will be in touch within a few business days to start on your manuscript.

Buy single-round book editing services

The perfect choice for authors looking for a polished manuscript. Both content and copyediting are recommended for every book. The prices below apply to both nonfiction and fiction editing.

  • Content editing also called developmental/content editing, covers the overall content and structure of the book as well as the syntax, voice, flow, plotline, repetition, consistency, readability, and overall clarity of the topic. It also involves rewording sentences and possibly whole paragraphs to enhance readability. For fiction, it covers character, theme, plot, setting, and other major elements of fiction (clear metaphors, for example). This phase of editing is recommended for everyone—it’s what can make a good book great. It’s especially helpful for first-time authors and for those who are unsure of whether or not their books are easily readable, well-structured, or suitable for their target audience.
  • Copyediting includes scanning for grammatical and punctuation consistency, tense, vocabulary, verbiage, incorrect word usage, and spelling. This is what people think of what they think about “editing” or "proofreading." It is recommended for everyone—it’s the round that will catch those pesky typos and fix those confusing commas.



Per 10,000 words

See Features
  • Junior Editors*
  • Any genre
  • 1 Round of Content Editing
    OR Copyediting
* This Standard Book Manuscript Editing Service is done by a Junior Editor.



Per 10,000 words

See Features
  • Senior Editors*
  • Any genre
  • 1 Round of Content Editing
    OR Copyediting
* This Premium Manuscript Editing Service is done by a Senior Editor with 10+ years of experience.

Is your manuscript more than 150k words?

Tell us more about your project and we'll get back to you with a personalized quote.

Interested in the whole nine yards?

Read more about our exciting multi-round packages on offer, which also include extra services like formatting and our Writing Circle!
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2-in-1 Economy book editing services

On a short deadline? Our 2-in-1 Economy Editing includes BOTH content editing and copy editing, done at the same time in one efficient round. These packages are great for authors on a tight budget or in a rush to publish their book.

The prices below apply to both nonfiction and fiction editing.

However, it will not provide the same level of detail as our editing packages with separate rounds.

Choose the desired experience level of your editor, then select your word-count on the drop-down below. Our team will be in touch within a few business days to start on your book.

Please note: prices are per 10k words, and our packages let you choose from different editor experience levels.

  • Please note that this package is for one round of professional book editing. Within that round, we will be combining two types of editing.
  • Content editing focuses on the big picture of your manuscript—structure, flow, plot, and character development. It looks at how well your ideas are communicated. On the other hand, copyediting deals with the finer details—grammar, punctuation, style, and consistency. It ensures your writing is polished and error-free. Read more about both types of editing in the Single Editing section.



Per 10,000 words

See Features
  • Junior Editors*
  • Any genre
  • 1 Combined Round of Content and Copyediting
* This 2-in-1 Standard Book Editing Service is done by a Junior Editor.



Per 10,000 words

See Features
  • Senior Editors*
  • Any genre
  • 1 Combined Round of Content and Copyediting
* This 2-in-1 Premium Book Editing Service is done by a Senior Editor.

Is your manuscript more than 150k words?

Tell us more about your project and we'll get back to you with a personalized quote.

Interested in the whole nine yards?

Read more about our exciting multi-round packages on offer, which also include extra services like formatting and our Writing Circle!
Read More

Sample Edits, Private Lessons, and More!

Sample Edit


Per 1,000 words

Get a feel for our team's style and see if we're a good fit for you and your project. We do way more than just correct your commas. Let us show you what we can do.

  • 1,000 words sample edit for both fiction and nonfiction manuscripts.
  • Great way to see what developmental/content and copyediting will look like.

Private Fiction Writing Lesson



So, you've read about our private fiction writing lessons and you're ready for your first session? Well, you've come to the right place.

  • 1-hour private fiction writing lesson.
  • The lesson takes place over Zoom and Google Docs.
  • Upon purchasing, you'll receive questionnaire to fill out to get started!

The Writing Circle

Inspired by university creative writing workshops, our Writing Circle is a cutting-edge service designed to help fiction writers improve their books. Five senior editors will provide an expert review of your book, similar to a beta read. Then, in an hour-long Zoom call with the author, they will discuss the book's plot, pacing, character, themes, development, and any other areas in need of improvement.

This is perfect for authors who have never shown their work to anyone, for authors who don't have any writer friends, for authors who want to get expert opinions on their work—really, it's great for any author. Nothing compares to the experience of hearing industry professionals discuss your book like this. The Writing Circle combines the energetic passion of a book club with the experience and wisdom of our professional team. With editors like ours reading and discussing (and possibly arguing over) your book, you're sure to come away with a wealth of information and exciting new ideas and solutions. And, odds are, you'll have five new fans!

This is included in the Premium Fiction Package or can be purchased separately. The process can be done at any stage of the book process, but a full draft should be complete.

Writing Circle


Our team of trained editors will review the first three chapters, last three chapters, and full synopsis of your book, discuss it among each other, and present you with their guidance in a one-hour Zoom call.

Writing Circle


Our team of trained editors will review your full manuscript, discuss it among each other, and present you with their guidance in a one-hour Zoom call.

Contact us to learn more!

Other Services

Interested in beta reading, ghostwriting, proofreading, formatting, cover design, book descriptions, author bios, or book reviews? We offer all that and more.

Contact us

Get a personalized quote

If your project is more than 150k words, fill out the form below, tell us more about your project and we'll reach out to you with a personalized quote.

Frequently asked questions

What’s the difference between Standard, Professional and Premium packages?
  • Standard Editing Services are done by a Junior Editor.
  • Professional Editing Services are done by a Junior Editor and overseen by a Senior Editor.
  • Premium Editing Services are done by a Senior Editor.
What’s the difference between a Senior Editor and a Junior Editor?

Each Senior Editor has over 10 years of professional experience and holds an advanced degree (MA or higher) in their field of expertise. They are specialized editors dedicated to helping non-fiction authors get their manuscripts publish-ready.

Each Junior Editor is equipped with a BA and has been trained under the mentorship of our senior editorial team to deliver the highest standard non-fiction book editing services.
What’s Content Editing and Copyediting?

Content editing focuses on the big picture of your manuscript—structure, flow, plot, and character development. It looks at how well your ideas are communicated. On the other hand, Copyediting deals with the finer details—grammar, punctuation, style, and consistency. It ensures your writing is polished and error-free.

What if my manuscript is longer than 150k words?

If your manuscript is longer than 150k words, fill out the form above and we will reach out to you soon with a personalized quote.

Does my book need editing?

Yes. Every book needs editing. Even professional authors need (and use) editors. No matter how good your book is, it needs editing.

Does my book need copyediting, even if I used a program like Grammarly or ChatGPT to check my grammar?

Yes. We’ve edited countless books that have “been through Grammarly” and other programs, and we always need to make hundreds of copyedits. While these programs can be nice, they cannot effectively replace a human copyeditor.

When can you start, and how long does this process take?

Every book is different. Something complex may take longer; something that is polished already may take less time. Once an editor begins to work on the book, we can edit at the average speed of about 30,000 words per week--but keep in mind that this can also vary. Feel free to reach out to us to get a more specific timeline for your book. The biggest variable is on the author’s end between rounds. Some authors can go through the suggested edits in a weekend; others can take weeks or even months to get back to us. You know your writing speed best!

Can I skip content editing and just get copyediting?

Sure, but we don’t recommend it. If you feel your book is strong enough to not need content editing, or if you really think you like the content as is, we suggest getting a sample edit so you can see what our content editors can do for you. After that, if you still feel it’s unnecessary, then sure, you can skip it—but over 95% of people who get sample edits realize how important content editing is, and end up getting a content editing round.

Content editing is powerful, it is the most impactful type of editing, and it is what can really transform a good book into an excellent one.

Do you only edit in US English?

The editors typically follow the Chicago Manual and Oxford punctuation style in American English. We are also able to copyedit in UK English, but there may be a longer wait time (only some editors on our team are qualified to copyedit UK English). We are unable to edit anything except US and UK English, but we can edit books written in Canadian, Australian, etc. English and change it to fit US or UK English if desired. This matters much more for copyediting, by the way—we can content edit anything!

Do you offer cover design, publishing, fact checking, citations, or marketing?

Yes! Reach out to us at editing@wanderingwordsmedia.com if you are interested in any of those.

What programs do you use to edit?

We do not use any programs (like Grammarly, ProWritingAid, ChatGPT, etc.) to edit. We just use our brains.

Some of our junior editors may use software or programs like that while in training, but our senior editors do not.

To open and edit the documents, we use Google Docs or Microsoft Word.

What if I don’t like an edit you make on my book?

In that case, simply don’t accept the suggested edit. The author always has the final say. You are free to reject any suggestion we make—we won’t mind! Many edits are subjective, after all, especially in content editing. That said, you can always ask why we made a change before rejecting. We will be able to explain our reasoning with you.

Will my work be safe when it’s sent to you? How can I know you won’t steal my writing?

We will not reproduce, give, or show anyone outside of the employees at Wandering Words Media Corporation any of the material sent to us by the author for editing purposes. You, as the author, already hold copyright over your work. We don’t want to steal your writing, but even if we did, you could easily sue us for doing so. So, you can rest assured that your work is safe. 🙂

Improve your manuscript in minutes!

Our Guide to Self-Editing Mastery has helped thousands of authors just like you:
Pre-edit their books with ease
Avoid the most common writing errors
Quickly identify spelling & grammar mistakes
Be more prepared for professional editing